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Leadership, Resources for Pastors Lisa Goode Leadership, Resources for Pastors Lisa Goode

A Pledge of Commitment

A Pledge of Brotherly Commitment for the Core Leadership of the Missionary Church

We pledge together as followers of Jesus Christ and fellow leaders entrusted with the responsibility to lead the Missionary Church…

  • To honor, trust and respect each other

  • To have direct and open communication with each other in spite of stress or disagreement.  “…speaking the truth in love.”  Ephesians 4:15  NIV

  •  To keep short accounts and take action without delay to repair relatonal issues.

  • To pray regularly and faithfully for each other.

  • To “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”  Ephesians 4:32  NIV

  • To protect, think the best of and give each other the benefit of the doubt when faced with a negative report.

  • To encourage each other and affirm each other’s work and contribution to the team by virtue of one’s personal value and standing in Christ

  • To endeavor to invest at least 1 hour daily in personal prayer-5 days per week

  • To endeavor to fast and pray at least 1 day per month for the next year.

  • To be alert and intentional about building personal connections and relationships for the purpose of evangelism and discipleship.

  • To “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.”  I Peter 4:8  NIV

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