PrayLink | Jan. 26, 2016

UNITED STATES: The countries of Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone have been declared Ebola Virus free. This past year many of you committed yourselves to fast, pray, and financially support during this crisis. STEVE and SHEILA HARRIGAN invite you to join them in a celebration to our Lord for the end of Ebola and continued prayer for the survivors left behind. A report from Jill, a nurse, who served in West Africa during the Ebola crisis along with World Partners missionaries and national partners will be present via Skype during this time. A vision will also be cast for a post-Ebola ministry to West Africa and how we can all partner together. This celebration will take place on January 31 at 11:30 a.m. in Room 106 at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana.UNITED STATES: This is World Christian Action Conference week at Bethel College in Mishawaka, Indiana. The theme is Acts 1:8 for this missions emphasis. Throughout the week, international meals will be served in the homes of faculty and staff who have lived and served overseas. BILL and DEBBIE JONES will host a meal on Wednesday night. A number of missionaries will serve on a Question and Answer Panel Discussion on Thursday evening. Bethel students can ask questions about missions and being a missionary. Pray that God would use the speakers, the music, the meals, and the panel discussion to speak truth into the hearts of students and call some of them to cross-cultural ministry.RWANDA: Pray for THEO MAKOMBE, a new World Partners missionary, who on Thursday, January 28, will have his final interview and testing to become a naturalized citizen of the United States.SPAIN: TIM and SUSANA GRETSCHMANN will soon be teaching a Facilitators’ Training course for Kairos in Spanish. Pray many will attend and their eyes will be opened to the needs around them locally and globally. Pray for disciples who are committed to taking the Gospel to the unreached individuals around the world. Pray also for Susana as she disciples Mariangeles and Gloria every Friday. Pray for healing for Tim and Susana in various minor ailments.BULGARIA: Praise! PETE and URSULA HUBLEY are excited that Ivan, a neighbor they intentionally interact with on a regular basis, recently sought them out and gifted them with a precious gift. Pray for Ivan and for the Hubleys to find open doors into his life. Pray for the Hubleys as they continue to have opportunities to develop new relationships. Pray for the Hubley children to find and develop friendships. Praise! Eliana has a new friend, Gabi. Pray for these girls as each are learning the other’s language to communicate. Praise! Nate and his friend, Christian, have begun to read through the Bible together, implementing their readings and accountability all on their own.EUROPE: Pray for a STAFF MEMBER as she has all new students in her English classes. While she is grateful for the new students, she was hoping to deepen relationships this year with the students she had previously. Pray for the staff member as she is using technology to reach out to the community in new ways. Pray also for the staff member and her students as they learn from one another.INDONESIA: Pray for a STAFF MEMBER as she travels from Indonesia to the United States during the next few days. The staff member will be speaking at events, churches, and with individuals while she is in the U.S.INDIA: Pray for a partner of World Partners in India as he leads a church family camp taking place through tomorrow.NEPAL: From January 26-February 5, a construction team will be traveling to Nepal to serve by repairing buildings destroyed by the earthquake of April 2015. Pray for the seven men who are participating in this trip.DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: A team of volunteers from Chapel Hill Missionary Church in Jones, Michigan, will be in Monte Cristi, Dominican Republic, from January 27-February 5. This team will work with the leadership at the Monte Cristi Missionary Church to help construct the congregation’s new building.


Global Prayer Network


Global Prayer Network